What is jewelry to you? Do you know enough to identify different styles or to recognize quality and good deals? These tips are the first step in understanding the world of jewelery. Take the advice given here to determine how to care for, buy, and get great deals on your jewelry.
You never want to use bleach, ammonia, or any other cleaning solvents that are not designed specifically for cleaning jewelry. Doing so can damage the shine and luster of the stones on your favorite pieces.
When you buy jewelry, it should last the rest of your life. When purchasing your next jewelry item, focus on buying a quality, well-made piece. A valuable piece of jewelry will be well-made and feature superior craftsmanship. Ask the jeweler about the history behind the piece and learn more about who made it, as well as the origin of the materials. When you choose a piece of jewelry that is high in quality, it can become a heirloom that will last forever.
Discover whether they wear studs, hoop earrings, or some other type of jewelry. Knowing their preferences will be an invaluable guide when you go out to buy them a special item of jewelry.
Be sure to at least inquire about the insurance that is available when you buy jewelry from a reputable jeweler. These policies dictate whether or not the jeweler will replace or fix your item of jewelry if it is damaged. In some instances, you can even insure your jewelry against loss or theft.
Keep your jewelry from getting tarnished to preserve its best appearance. Keep your jewelry away from water. Water can cause some metals to lose their luster or to become tarnished or rusty. You can give your jewelry an additional layer of protection by applying a thin coat of clear nail polish to it.
You need to take special care of costume jewelry. A fair amount of costume pieces are set with glue. Don’t let them go under water or clean them with strong chemicals, or you could dissolve the glue. To clean your jewelry, dampen a cloth with warm water and gently wipe the item. Then use a clean, dry cloth to dry the jewelry. This method will keep your costume jewelry stunning and beautiful.
Gems are given chemical treatments in the process of cutting, polishing and setting. When you are thinking of buying, ask what treatment a stone was given. Depending on the type of treatment used, the piece will require varying types of care. You want to avoid unknowingly cleaning the gem with a chemical or solution that could strip off the protective treatment.
Be careful when untangling your delicate necklaces. It’s easy to get frustrated with tangled necklaces, but saran wrap can come to the rescue. Apply baby oil or mineral oil to your necklace after placing it on the plastic wrap. Use a sewing needle to untangle the necklace. Then wash off the baby oil or mineral oil with dish soap, and then pat dry.
No matter what your purpose is in reading this article, hopefully we have given you a tip or two to help. Save some money by educating yourself on how to get the best deal. Having good taste is about being exposed to this art and being educated about jewelry.