What attracts you to jewelry? Are you familiar with different styles and metals? Can you differentiate between fine jewelry and costume jewelry? While the subject of jewelry can be a little complicated at times, these hints are here to help you understand a little more. Check out the following jewelry tips. They can help you buy, care for and wear the right jewelry.
Make sure you organize your jewelry properly. Boxes, holders, compartments, and hooks are all valuable tools for storing jewelry safely. You should never simply throw your jewelry into a box in a messy pile. This can hurt very fragile jewelry, and tangle necklaces or bracelets.
Keep your jewelry in a relatively air-tight container, and minimize its exposure to humidity. To maximize protection, put your jewelry in a jewelry box or a small drawstring bag. Humidity and air tends to cause precious and non-precious metals to tarnish. Precious metals, through some work and polish, can be restored to their original condition. Non-precious metals are coated, which means that polishing will allow copper metal to come through.
When you go shopping for sterling silver jewelry pieces, take with you a magnet and a monocle. Take the magnet with you to find fake pieces of jewelery, sterling silver will not stick to the magnet. Sterling silver always has some sort of stamp to indicate it is sterling. If the piece of presumed silver is not marked, be skeptical that is real silver. It could very well be a fake.
Jewelry should be a purchase that truly lasts a lifetime. Always purchase pieces from reputable jewelers in order to make sure you are getting quality pieces. Quality jewelry will be constructed to last, and show a fine attention to detail. Make sure the jeweler is able to tell you the history of the piece, including who created it and where any stones come from. Investing in a high-quality jewelry piece ensures that you will have a timeless item that will be just as wearable in 20 years as it is today.
Be sure to pay attention to details like type of metal and shape. Knowing their preferences will be an invaluable guide when you go out to buy them a special item of jewelry.
Before you buy any new jewelry, you should look around for the latest trends. Getting a great deal on beautiful bauble makes getting it even more enjoyable.
If you are wanting to collect costume jewelry, you should ensure you are aware of its condition. Costume jewelry can prove to be a good investment, but worn, broken, or otherwise damaged pieces are not worth the expense. Costume pieces kept in great condition will enhance your collection much more over time.
As you just read, there are lots of helpful tips which can make it easier for you during your next jewelry shopping trip. You will better be able to make an informed buying decision, which will save you money and hassle. All you have to do is educate yourself about the art of jewelery to make a good decision.…